Sewing Machine & Serger Sales & Service We service all brands. Same day appointments. |
Machine Maintenaince. How to use your machine Beginner Quilting. Bag Making. Stained Glass. Free Motion Hand Embroidery Textile Multi Media One on One classes Many more! |
would love to visit your guild or sewing group? Just tell us when!
Classroom Rentals 1, 2 or 3 day rentals. Up to 20 people with machines. Each person has their own table. Amazing lighting, Lots of power, 8ft Wooden tables, 50ft design wall, Connected to a fabric store!!!
Donate your fabric stash for charity. Did you know last year we donated over $30,000 of fabric, batting & thread to individuals, guilds and sewing groups across Canada. We are now accepting all fabrics and machines. |